

Boundary Sampled Halfspaces

A new representation for solid shape design, where the shapes are composed of a set of halfspaces along with samples on the boundary that indicate which parts of the halfspaces boundaries define the boundary of the final shape. Compared to CSG representation, this is more flexible and does not need additional separating halfspaces to define some of the shapes bounded by the halfspaces

Blender Python Scripting

Notes on using Blender to create the UI for a Python app.

The Role of Fomo in Users’ Reluctant Privacy Behaviours

Dag Amendment

Control hyper parameters of parametric shapes by direct interaction in shape space. They define a way to compute the Jacobian of the 3D shape wrt the hyper parameters.

Sketchnote Components

Analysis of a large corpus of sketch notes, complemented with semi structured interviews of experienced sketch noter. They list component that need to be taken into consideration to make a sketchnote, map out the design space of sketchnotes and showcase strategies adopted by sketch noters to overcome their challenges. This leads to implications for future digital tools to help in sketch note creation.

Developable Metamaterials

Introducing a metamaterial composed of ruffles of a flat sheet of material, that can present different bending resistance. It can be fabricated flat and then assembled in a straightforward way.


Using the hand as a canvas for painting on a constrained planar surface in VR